Translated title: Ones, Zeros, Pines, and Cones – Climate-Smart Facts about Data Centers
Ettor, Nollor, Barr och Kottar is a picture book that playfully explores a data center and how it works. But just as the title reveals, the book has a more profound message; Why do we need more data centers? Why is building sustainably essential? And last but not least, why is it necessary to help each other? Read the book to find out!
Authors: Christoffer Sörensen and Leo Hallin
Language: Swedish
ISBN: 9789151951997
In 2020, Glesys received Falkenberg municipality's Sustainability Award with the motivation:
Translated title: Ones, Zeros, Pines, and Cones – Climate-Smart Facts about Data Centers
Ettor, Nollor, Barr och Kottar is a picture book that playfully explores a data center and how it works. But just as the title reveals, the book has a more profound message; Why do we need more data centers? Why is building sustainably essential? And last but not least, why is it necessary to help each other? Read the book to find out!
Authors: Christoffer Sörensen and Leo Hallin
Language: Swedish
ISBN: 9789151951997
In 2020, Glesys received Falkenberg municipality's Sustainability Award with the motivation:
»Glesys has gone the extra mile and, through dedicated collaboration, turned waste of resources into profit – both in its own business and for society. For example, Glesys creates both local and global impact when their excess heat now warms residents in Falkenberg via the district heating network, and the data center runs on 100 % renewable energy. That makes Glesys a role model in sustainability commitment – in Falkenberg and within its industry.«